Anna Torv and Amy Smart
Amy Lysle Smart was born on the 26th of March, 1976 on the 26th of March, 1976 in Topanga California United States. Amy is most famous for her stage name Amy Smart. Amy Smart is born of American descent and has the Zodiac Aries. Amy is 48 now and has a height measuring 5ft. 5inches (1.68m). Amy is an orthodox Christian. John Boden Smart & Judy Lysle Carrington is the title of her parents. Amy Smart was born into a family where her mother is curator of museums, and her father worked as a salesperson. Her childhood was shared with Adam Smart. Amy was a child who was determined to show her imagination as many times as she was able to. Amy was the child of people of a working class background who grew used to living in solitude. The experience helped her develop as an artist. As a way to relieve the loneliness in her life and ease her fear of performing, Amy decided to take up dance. Amy is a very well educated woman. The school she attended or the precise whereabouts of her high sch...